Guide on How to Swaddle a Newborn Baby

Swaddling can be a little intimidating for first-time parents like you but it might help you get more sleep if you learn how to correctly swaddle your newborn baby. 

For your newborn, leaving the womb is a significant adjustment. Swaddling him can help him adjust and keep the startle reflex from occurring. Are there any cuter things than a small baby burrito?

Step-by-step Guide on How to Swaddle Your Newborn Safely and Correctly

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to swaddle your baby safely and correctly.

Step 1 - Use a very delicate swaddle

First and foremost, you'll need a swaddle that won't irritate your baby's delicate skin.

Swaddle your child in one of our strawberry and lemon-printed, butter-soft bamboo viscose muslin blankets. Summer babies will stay cool in our trademark fabric, while winter babies will stay warm!

Step 2 - Fold the swaddle in half

Lay the swaddle blanket flat and fold in half into a triangle form. To provide a natural place for your newborn to be laid, align the fold at the top.

Step 3 - Place your little one on the swaddle

Your newborn should be placed face-up on the swaddle with their head above the fold you made. Utilizing a level surface like the floor or the center of a big bed is always the safest option.

Step 4 - Wrap your little baby

Take the bottom of the blanket and fold it up over your baby's chest to begin swaddling them. When you have covered their left arm and body, pull the left side of the swaddle across to the right side and wrap it over the child's back.

Straighten your child's left arm, drape the last piece of fabric over their torso, and tuck it under their left side to complete the wrapping.

Step 5 - Tuck away extra fabric

To keep your swaddle from unraveling, gather any extra fabric and tuck it inside the wrap you've made.

Step 6 - Take time to practice

Swaddling requires practice, just like any other aspect of being a new parent. It will get simpler as you practice more.

Is Swaddling Really Safe for Newborns?

Does the fact that a baby sleeps with a blanket on most of the time make swaddling dangerous?

It's true that there are some risks associated with swaddling. Swaddling, however, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), can help your baby sleep better if done properly and in compliance with other safe sleep recommendations.

A baby's face could be covered by swaddle blankets that are overly loose or that unwrap during sleep, posing the risk of asphyxia.

Babies that are wrapped in a blanket typically sleep more deeply, which increases the risk. They may be less likely to wake up and move positions if their faces are covered by swaddle blankets.

The same goes for swaddles that are overly tight, particularly around your baby's hips. Your baby's hips, joints, and cartilage might become injured by tight swaddles that restrict her from straightening or bending her legs.

The bottom of the swaddle blanket should be slack enough for your baby's legs to remain bent up and out, as they would normally do in a newborn sleeping on her back without a swaddle, to promote good hip development.

Additionally, make sure your baby can freely straighten and straighten her legs while being swaddled.

Giving your infant the proper care will help him or her sleep better and give you peace of mind, allowing you to get some rest.

Newborn Swaddling Safety Tips

Here’s an additional tips on how to safely tuck your baby to bed with a swaddle blanket.

Swaddle but not too tightly

You should be able to fit two to three fingers between the blanket and your baby's chest at the top of the swaddle. Your baby's legs should remain twisted and flared out thanks to the bottom of the swaddle being free enough.

Always place your infant on her back to sleep

Whether you're swaddling or not, it's the safest posture for the baby. Make careful to also tuck the blanket's bottom under your infant.

Keep your infant cool

Swaddling could lead to overheating, which could increase the risk of SIDS (SIDS). Keep the space at a cozy temperature between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit year-round.

A set of pajamas and the swaddling blanket are probably enough to keep your baby comfortable, so avoid the desire to cover her in additional layers.

There are several indications that your baby may be excessively hot like sweating, damp hair, flushed cheeks, quick breathing, and heat rash.

Always put one extra layer on your kid than you would, as a general rule.

Swaddle during nighttime and even when simply taking naps

Your baby will sleep better both during the day and at night if you swaddle him or her. Swaddling during bedtime isn't much riskier than swaddling during naps, so don't worry if the thought of putting her into a little burrito blanket for hours at a time makes you uncomfortable.

Since she is awakening frequently to eat, you will also have many of chances to check on her.

However, feel free to check more frequently if it offers you greater peace of mind to check her swaddling while she sleeps.

When To Stop Swaddling Your Little Baby?

For neonates, swaddling can be a wise decision. However, older infants who can escape their blankets are at risk.

Being wrapped up inhibits older babies from developing age-appropriate motor skills, which can impede their healthy growth.

So when should you stop swaddling your baby?

When your infant becomes more active and begins to attempt to roll over, which could happen as early as two months but typically happens by three to four months, you'll want to stop.

She's still too little to sleep with a blanket, though, even when your baby outgrows swaddling. Try a sleep sack to keep her comfy while maintaining safe sleep practices.

These wearable blankets provide an additional layer of warmth, and some have features that make it easier for infants to wean themselves from their swaddles.


At first, swaddling may seem scary, but know that mothers have been swaddling their infants for ages. Having so many occasions to practice can help you quickly hone your skills.

It will be appropriate to remove your baby from the swaddle once they are more alert and mobile. It's actually much safer for them to sleep unswaddled if your baby can turn over.

But don't worry, your swaddle blanket has a lot of other applications when you stop using it for swaddling!

You'll use our bamboo viscose swaddles all through your baby's first year of life because they are so adaptable.

Your swaddling blanket can be used as a play mat cover, nursing cover, changing pad, or stroller or car seat cover! You'll always have options available to you.

Are you searching for the softest bamboo viscose swaddles for your new baby? Shop our collection of swaddle blankets.

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